Sunday, December 30, 2007

Philippine Construction Company Shifts to Linux

Philippine Construction Company Shifts to Linux for Cost-Effective Infrastructure


(OPENPRESS) December 30, 2007 -- EEI Corporation, one of the Philippines' leading construction companies, has opted to shift to Linux for their operating system (OS), joining several other industry giants in the country who have already turned to open source.

The firm initially used proprietary systems for both OS platforms and various application packages utilized in its operations. However, due to increasing costs of licensing, the company started considering open source applications in order to minimize expenses.

“Other concerns, such as virus infection and the increasing cost of hardware also became factors as to why we decided to use Linux,” said Mr. Andy S. Sarmiento, assistant vice president for the MIS department.

EEI Corporation is only one of several industry giants in the Philippines which are already using Linux and open source software. Other firms include Jollibee Foods Corporation, Mercury Drug Corporation, International Family Foods Services (Shakey’s) and Nippon Paint Philippines Inc. Several schools, notably the University of the Philippines, are also making use of open source in place of proprietary systems.

To ensure smooth transition with no major disruptions on daily operations, EEI sought the expertise of local Linux solutions provider IPSYSTEMS Inc (

“As one of the country’s leading enterprise, EEI needed a system which it could trust to be stable and scalable. We therefore transformed the company’s enterprise level systems to make use of Linux as their operating system. At the same time, we introduced making use of several other software and applications also based on open source,” said Mr. Carlo Celis, systems administrator of IPSYSTEMS.

Free and open source software (FOSS) is called such because its source code is made freely available for modification and redistribution by anyone – thus the term “free” software. An example of such free software is Linux, which is an open-source operating system and is one of the alternatives to the Windows operating system. Linux is distributed under the GNU General Public License which guarantees the freedom to distribute copies of free software.

This freedom allows for the software’s cost-effectiveness, as compared to proprietary ones. For example, commercial software licenses such as Microsoft Exchange 2003 server today have an initial cost of around Php 69,000.00 (approximately USD 1,600.00). This price allows up to five licensed computers to connect to the server, while additional computers will need additional licenses (called Client Access License or CAL) to be legally connected to the server. This price also only covers the initial software license cost, and does not include the cost for the hardware or its yearly license maintenance.

The cost of having a file server system based on Linux, on the other hand, will cost only a one-time payment of roughly Php 25,000.00 (about USD 580.00), with no other recurring costs for CALs or for license renewals.

Since turning to Linux, EEI has experienced improved performance due to the system's increased stability. “Linux has proven itself to be a fast, reliable and stable operating system. The shift has also required our systems to consume fewer resources and much cheaper licensing costs,” said Mr. Sarmiento.

IPSYSTEMS Inc is a Linux solutions provider specializing in Open Source technologies for the server requirements of Philippine enterprises and organizations. Incorporated in April 1998, its technical team consists of seasoned experts in systems integration, development and maintenance, with over ten (10) years of experience in open source.

IPSYSTEMS provides the Linux advantage – the benefits, convenience and security of a Linux server - along with the appropriate Linux-based solutions that best answer customers’ communication and network needs.
For further details, please visit:

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Top Linux Headlines of 2007 - A Year In Review


Looking back at 2007 and seeing this website as a fruit of the cesspool that we affectionately call Vista really warms my heart.

I started using Linux as a full-time operating system in September, because I was really fed up with Microsoft. As an experiment, this website was launched simultaneously to document my adventures in Linux.

If you told me that when I started this blog that this site would see a half-million visitors in four months and be featured on sites like Lifehacker, TechCrunch, TechMeme, Linux Journal, Linux Today, OSNews, LXer, Webb Alert, etc, etc…. and have near every social news media website feature on their respective front pages… I wouldn’t believe you.

When the Metapixel article became popular this website used 60GB of bandwidth in a day (Note to Self: DON’T post gigantic image hyperlinks on website in future). The original article was Dugg, then hours later, Lifehacker’s article linking back to me was Dugg as well!

It is a miracle Dreamhost (bless their heart) hasn’t terminated my account. I contacted their support about some unrelated issue, and in their response they mentioned reading the Orange Box / Team Fortress 2 article, which helped them get the game running under WINE. Perhaps the fact that my hosting company actually reads my content helps out a little bit.

Let’s just say that fsckin w/ linux is the kind of accident that turns out not being bad at all, kinda like my little brother. ;)

I hope you all had a great chrismahanukwanzakah and enjoy the New Year. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, let’s take a look back at some of the headlines this year.

Novell sues SCO for $26 Million Dollars!
OpenMoko Struts It’s Mobile Linux Stuff
Linux Foundation Formed
Microsoft FAT Patent Upheld
Fluendo Snatches Hard-Earned Cash with Proprietary Format Licensing
Adobe Exposes Naughty Bits with Flash Player 9 for Linux
Microsoft Tries to Pay For Edits to Wikipedia ODF/OOXML
Nokida N800 Internet Tablet is Bigger Hit Than Moses’ Tablets
Install Debian From Inside Windows
Windows Vista Released to Unwashed Masses

SCO Tries to subpoena Pamela Jones of Groklawballmer.jpg
Nominations for Debian Project Leader
Steve Ballmer Blows Smoke Up Collective Asses Regarding Software Patents
Dell Gets Hint About Linux
NTFS-3g version 1.0 Released
Sweaty Steve Ballmer Rents Smoke Generator and Mirrors
Show Us The Code Brings IR Goggles To Ballmer’s Party
Dell Listens to Linux Consumers
Shuttleworth: Ubuntu is NOT a Charity

Linux is Desktop Ready?
Free Software Foundation Asks Sun, HP and Dell to “Check Yes or No” after Vista is “Rejected”
Novell releases Office Open XML translator for
Xbox Live Patch for 360 Stops Linux Installations
Hans Reiser Will Goto Trial For Alleged Murder of Ex-Wife
German Patent Federal Court Dismisses Microsoft’s FAT patent
Open asks Dell to Pre-Load Software on Their Computers
Dell Asks Which Gnu For You
Linus Torvalds Blasts the GPLv3
HP Exec: “Linux Desktop is nearing critical mass”
Robert Scoble, Microsoft Technology Evangelist says Nasty Things
Bruce Perens Doesn’t Care For Novell/Microsoft “Protection Racket”
Microsoft FoxPro goes Open-Source, Nobody Cares
Novell Spoofs “Get a Mac” Ads… Badly

Microsoft Sued for “Vista Capable” Marketing
Sam Hocevar is Next Debian Project Leader
Cnet Hints About “Web OS”, Foreshadows gOS
Tux500 Has Eye on Indy 500
Microsoft Admits Vista’s Horizon Cloudy
One Man, 250 Webcam Drivers, Insert Cam Whore Joke Here

Ubuntu & Dell Join Forces
Microsoft Siverlight For Linux by “End of Year”
Tux500 Grabs $10,000 in Donations!
Microsoft Patents “Sudo” Command (aka User Account Control)
Zimbra Runs on Linux
SUSE Asks 27,000 Linux Users To Share Porn Thoughts
Microsoft Coupons Have No Expiration Date
Digg Censors HD-DVD, BluRay Decryption Key Needed For Playback On Linux
Microsoft Still Pushing the Patent Button, Bloggers Push Back
Microsoft Wont Sue End Users of Linux
Try To Save A School District $$$ By Switching to Linux, Loose Your Job
Motorola Releases ROKR and RAZR2 Powered By Really Small Mice Linux
Creative Labs: Vista Drivers Really Hard To Figure Out… Linux Pushed to Back Burner
Microsoft Becomes “Linux Distributor”, Liable Under GPLv3
Shuttleworth Debunks Microsoft Patent Claim Threat
Sun CEO Will Use Their Patents To Help Linux
Groklaw Tells Us What We Already Know: Microsoft Cherry-picks Sponsored Survey Results
VA Software Becomes Sourceforge
Ironically The Tux500 Indy Car Crashes First

Google Has Microsoft In Half-Nelson, Puts Pressure on Desktop Search Functionality
GPLv3 Released via Carrier Pigeons
Xandros Joins the Dark Side With Microsoft Patent Protection
TiVo complains about GPLv3 “hurting business”
Emacs Version 22 Released, Six Years Since Last Update
Nero 3 Provides HD and Blu-Ray Disc Burning Capabilities to Linux Users
Parallels Ships Supporting Linux, Fake Steve Jobs Dies A Little Inside
LG Signs Patent Pact with Microsoft, Celebrates with Kool-Aid
AppleTV Runs Linux
Politics Plays Part in Google vs. Microsoft Antitrust Dealings Worm hits Linux, Mac OSX, Windows
Linus: Kernel Under GPLv3? Over My Dead Body! Or When OpenSolaris Pisses Me Off, Whichever Comes First
Microsoft Hires Director of Linux Interoperability
Microsoft Patent FUD Debacle
Linspire Signs Microsoft Patent Deal
Google Linux Released is a 9/11 Conspiracy
Motorola Expects 60% of Mobile Phones Will Use Linux
Ubuntu and Redhat Refuse Patent Deal with Microsoft, Kool-Aid Tastes Funny
Vista is Number 1 Reason For Emo Culture
Windows is “More Secure” Because Fewer Vulnerabilities Are Patched
Songbird Sings First Tune
Firefox, Google Team Up for Offline Applications
OpenMoko Promises “Mass Market” device by October
Redhat Talks Dirty With Microsoft for a Year

No Joy For Google Desktop Search vs. Microsoft
Nokia Gives Skype & Flash Lovin to N800 Internet Tablet, Biblical Moses Sues
Samba Moves to GPLv3
IBM Releases 150+ Upset Vista Users Patents Into Wild
Apple Buys CUPS Source Code, TUMBLER is Next
OOXML Format Slapped About With A Large Trout
Asus Eee PC Will Run Xandros
Walmart gOS PC Rumors
Skype Convicted of Violating GPL
Businesses Don’t Tango With Vista
Torvalds Sucker Punches Con Kolivas

Fewer Companies Planning Move to Vista, Nobody Surprised
Fake Steve Jobs Real Identity Revealed as Batman Forbes Journalist
SURPRISE! UNIX Belongs to Novell, Not SCO
SCOX Stock Plummetsscox.jpg
Best (Possibly NSFW) Bug Report Ever!
Novell Wont Sue Over UNIX
Google Pack Adds BitTorrent RSS Downloader StarOffice
Gnome Turns 10, Wants a Skateboard for Xmas
Richard Stallman: Reports of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
Convicted Pirate Forced to Use Windows by Court Order
Microsoft “Get The Facts” Campaign Isn’t Working
Windows Genuine Advantage Not So Advantageous
Microsoft Apologizes About Cheating on ISO for OOXML’s Approval
More Evidence of Microsoft Playing Games
Super-Duper New Improved ATI Drivers (Still Not as Good As nVidia)

Microsoft Looses ISO OOXML Vote, Ballmer Whines Like Little Baby
Eric Raymond May Reveal He Is a Ninja Loosing Patience with Microsoft Over OOXMLninja.jpg
Richard Stallman Taunts Torvalds Regarding GPLv3 Adoption
Linux Voids Laptop Warranty
SCO Files for Chapter 11 Bankrupcy
Creative X-Fi Soundcards Supported. In Other News, Hell Freezes Over
Donate Linux PCs, Get Investigated by California Government
Darl McBride Blames Imaginary Friend Linux For SCO Failure
Gnome 2.20 Released
First Ever GPL Lawsuit in USA
WSU Linux User Group Auctions Off Nerds
Microsoft Pushing Vista, Businesses Demand XP
First Ever GPL Lawsuit Settles, Pontius Pilate Upset!

Novell Thanks Microsoft for Patent Agreementqsol_com.jpg
Novell Uses Microsoft FUD as Marketing Material
Linux Journal Runs Offensive Blowjob Ads
Linus Torvalds Gets Pissed Off And Kills People About SMACK
Skype 1.4 Goes Gold
Linux Doubles Market Share
Ballmer Steamy About Patents (Again)
Ballmer Wants Redhat Users to Pay Up
IP Innovation Files Patent Suit Against Redhat & Novell
Mark Shuttleworth Fires Back. Ballmer Quoted as Saying, “You Sunk My Battleship!”
Nokia 810 Internet Porn Device Tablet Released
Oh SNAP! TurboLinux signs with Microsoft
Mandriva Club Isn’t A Champagne Room
Linux Loosing Market Share
Linux Not Really Loosing Market Share
NY Times Publishes Swimsuit Edition Opens Up Codebase
Microsoft Really Wants Windows on XO PC
Laptop Magazine Reviews Eee PC Laptop, 4/5 Stars

Turn Webapp Monster into gOSnigel_lold.jpg
Mandriva Upset with Microsoft/Nigeria 419 scam Classmate PC Linux Reversal
Microsoft Denies Involvement in 419 Scam
Say Hello to Chumby, the Linux Clock!
IBM & Novell Block Sale of SCO Assets
Google’s Android (aka gPhone) Gives Street Cred to Mobile Linux
Symbian CEO LOLs When He Heard About Google’s Android
Novell Sells Bunch More Microsoft Support Coupons
Six Floor Labs LLC Launches (Hoax?) Ransom Model for Linux Video Games
OMG! New Theme for Hardy Heron!
Only 600 UK Visitors to BBC Website
BBC Rethinks Linux Visitor Numbers
Mandriva Wins Back Nigerian Classmate PCs
OLPC Forgets Simple Math.. Buy Two One, Get One,
Walmart gPC Sells Out
Walmart Will Restock gPC at “Really Low Prices”
OpenMoko Pushes Mass Market Date Back
Obama Supports “Open” Document Format
Amazon’s Kindle Launches
Torvalds: Strength of Linux Lies in Contortionist Ability Flexibility
BusyBox Sues Xterasys and High-Gain Antennas
Asus Eee PC Laptop Violates GPL
One Year In, Vista Still Not Budging in the Business Market
Cheap Laptops Perfect Fit For Linux, Vista Miffed
Torvalds: Microsoft Can’t Stop Linux
One Laptop Per Child Sued for Patent Infringement
Asus Releases GPL Code
Lucky Fresno Kids Get Asus Eee PC Laptops

nVidia and ATI Users Green With Envy
KDE 4 Is Late To Dinner
Verizon Sucks Down GPL Lawsuit, Belches Loudlyburp.gif
MPAA University Toolkit Violates GPL
OLPC Does the Needful in India in a Browser
Bazaar Version Control System Released
Opera Thinks Microsoft Should Distribute Their Browser
Dell Offers Ubuntu with Legal DVD Playback
Xterasys Settles GPL Suit
BBC Website Compatible With Linux
Schestowitz Interviews StallmanMicrosoft Hands Over Protocol Documentation to Samba
Redhat CEO Removes Red Hat
Ex-Delta COO Has Redhat Flying High Again
350,000 Tiny Eee PC Laptops Sold This Year

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Friday, December 28, 2007

film - Atonement

Atonement 3.5/5

This film is being billed as a big romance. I would describe it as being a rather unconventional romance, and for daring to go against the grain, I am rating it a tad higher. It does not take the easy way out to tell it's story and some will see that as a bonus or as a weakness.

Romance films are usually about two people. This one has a third, a clever 11 year-old who is smitten with Robbie, a teenage boy, one of the hired help at her parent's country mansion. He, fortunately, is smitten with the sister of this adolescent, who is also a teen. The 11 year-old can't stand this relationship and soon an opportunity presents itself to cause trouble...

Beware that the film ends up being more of a confessional than a romance...which may make feel romantic or not, depending on your point of view.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

film - Alien vs. Predator Requiem

Alien vs. Predator Requiem 1.5/5

It's a shame that they didn't intend to continue on the Aliens franchise with some really good writing.

Sure,the previews looked good and I gave it a chance, but the film is geared towards teenage boys more so than real sci-fi fans.

Here's one male fantasy come true - hottie blond classmate dumps badass boyfriend for loser goodguy. Sure, that happens all the time in real life, right?

Despite having tons of super technology, the Predators don't seem to have anything that prevents bad guys - Aliens - from sneaking up on them.

There's little sense of mystery here. It's mostly all predictable action. Some characters are developed a bit and we're meant to be totally shocked when they are killed off. There's one unintentially hilarious moment when the hottie blond gets nailed. The audience was laughing and cheering a bit.

We don't see enough scenes with the Aliens showing their entire bodies, so unless you have seen the previous films, you don't get a good view of what they look like. And boy, do they go from hatchling to adult awfully quickly!

If you loved Transformers, you may love this film.


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

film - Charlie Wilson's War

If you've seen the previews, you seen a good portion of the film. However, the film is still very good.

Charlie Wilson is a do-nothing congressman. He gets prodded into supporting the concept of arming the Afghan rebels who are fighting against the brutal and immoral Soviet Army. Some of the acts of violence the Soviets use to kill the Afghanis is downright despicable and evil.

The most important part of the film comes at the end. It was echoed when the first President Bush refused to topple Saddam Hussein in the war to liberate Kuwait. Iraqui rebels were encouraged to rise up against Saddam and they believed that the mighty US military would help them. There was no help from the US and the abandoned rebels were slaughtered by Saddam.

All around, the acting is excellent. Tom Hanks was strong as they skirt-chasin' congressman who collectively referred to his staff of beauties as "jailbait." Julia Roberts was good in her role as a headstrong wealthy Texan hellbent on seeing the Soviets defeated. Witness the shocking intro to one of her speeches in which she is toasting the dictator/ President of Pakistan who was responsible for killing off the Oppostition leader, the father of future PM Benazir Bhutto. The audience was stunned. Unfortunately, Roberts looked terrible in this film, and seemingly appears to look like Joan Rivers' twin, in about 30 years, if not sooner. She may or may not have had a lot of plastic surgery, but she looks like she could play The Joker.

One of the best roles was played by Phil Hoffman as a CIA operative who mouths off to his boss in such a brilliant way near the outset of the film that I half expected the audience to stand up and cheer.


film - Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street


I wonder if this would have been a more powerful film if it wasn't a musical. At any rate, this film, based on a 1973 play, which itself is based on a 19th century legend. Still, the story is as powerful as a Shakespearian tradgedy and is superbly cast and acted.

Barber Benjamin Barker is exiled to Australia based on false charges, orchestrated by a corrupt judge who covets Barker's wife. Upon return several years later, he learns that his wife killed herself and that his then infant daughter was taken in by the corrupt judge. Assuming a new name, Sweeney Todd, the barber seeks out revenge against the judge but in the meantime, takes out his anger on citizens thus providing meat for his new partner, a meat pie baker.

The film is grim and dark, the calling card for director Tim Burton. Depp is excellent as the veangeful, out of control, barber and Helena Bonham-Carter is just as good as his partner in crime. I missed some of the dialogue and could have done without the singing, hence the film earns less than 5 stars from me.


film - I Am Legend


Totally formulaic and predictable. Slick Hollywood junk. Might be enjoyable if you haven't seen similar films before.


film - Before The Devil Knows You're Dead


Unsettling drama with virtually no likable characters, but an interesting story that unfolds from flashbacks.

Two brothers decide to rob their parents' jewelry store, fence the goods and have a "victimless crime" as the insurance money would cover the losses.

There's almost no one to root for. If some plot details were changed, this could have been filmed as Guy Ritchie movie. Superb acting on the part of Philip Seymour Hoffman and Albert Finney.

This was the best-rated new film of the week and while it's not a feel-good film, it's a good one.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Linux or Windows

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Author: Tolga Tohumcu, Information Technology Professional

A comparison of Linux and Windows

Everyday people ask me the same question over and over again. What is the difference between Windows and Linux? I’ve decided to write this article so people can read this and decide. If it was up to me, I would change the whole world computers to Linux base operating system as this article posted on a powerful Red Hat Enterprise Server.

Windows and Linux are operating systems. And in many respects, from a user point of view, they are quite similar or at least offer much of the same functionality. Both of these operating systems offer file management, memory management, control of peripheral devices, communication with other computers, and both run a range of user software.

Linux was originally built by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in 1991. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Technically we can say that Linux is a Unix-like, Kernel-based, fully memory-protected, multitasking operating system. So what do we mean by that? Basically, Linux is a powerful, robust, compact, and most notably, free operating system. It runs on a wide range of hardware from PCs to Macs.

Windows is a GUI based operating system. It has powerful networking capabilities, is multitasking, and extremely user friendly. Built by Microsoft, it also offers an operating system which most PC users will already be familiar with if they have used other Microsoft products such as Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, XP and Vista.

Indeed, Linux and Windows have been around for many years, yet, during these years Windows has been enjoying an overall advantage over Linux due to Microsoft’s market success because of its broad focus aimed at beginner users as well as advanced, while Linux has been primary used by advanced computer users – programmers and developers.

Indeed, many beginner users find Windows easer to use than other operating systems; however, usually this is said by an individual who did not try other operating systems, or who was simply influenced by a friend or colleague.

One fundamental difference between the two systems is the fact that Linux is "open source". This means that unlike Windows where you only get access to the compiled programs that you run on your machine, with Linux you also get the original computer code to examine and tweak (modify) at your leisure. This may not seem a big deal to many people, but it allows unlimited possibilities to anyone with the knowledge and courage to get into the driving seat of the operating system and point it in their own specific direction. This also goes to show that Linux users are more advanced.

So, what makes one operating better than other? Well to answer that question, many things need to be taken into consideration. Perhaps the first one to start from will be the list of applications available for an operating system as well as hardware that would support the following applications.

Currently, Linux falls short in the number of different applications available for it. The reason for it is Microsoft’s success. There are much more various applications available for Microsoft since the population of Windows users is greater than Linux. Also, since Microsoft is more popular, the Hardware products are aimed at the biggest market – Windows, such that the product would be sold and used widely. Indeed, that is the only reason, since Linux has a different advantage. Linux programs are distributes freely since they are not developed by commercial software companies, but instead are created under the GNU Public License, which makes the software free. Yet, most of the Linux software lacks the GUI and is therefore not “liked” by many users. However, Windows has its own share of problems – the fact that some software is not compliant for different versions of windows (i.e. Windows 98/XP/Vista) and that many times the GUI concept is overused such that command arguments cannot be passed to the program.

Another aspect of this comparison is the cost of the purchase of the new PC with preinstalled Windows operating system, and acquiring a Linux operating system for an “empty” machine. The fact is that the biggest portion of the price for the PC with Windows is the cost of the preinstalled applications such as Office, Outlook, IIS, etc..., yet buying a Linux operating system, only the redistribution cost is charged.

As was said earlier, Windows is a fully GUI based application, however, Linux also contains a GUI – it is called X-Windows. There are two different types of the GUI interfaces available for Linux – Gnome and KDE, which both contain a different style. Also, Linux offers a choice of four desktops thus allowing the user to work in different windows on different desktop for convenience. Windows, on the other hand, is limited to the way the application windows are laid out on the screen. Windows GUI also has been known for its large memory requirements, where it usually uses a huge chunk of RAM for visual components.

Kernel and the operating system environment is also an important part of an operating system. Linux has some real good advantages over Windows in these criteria. Linux requires 386 architecture to run. Thus, it is compatible with any improved architecture such as 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro, etc. Also, there are drivers available for much many types of hardware devices. Linux program installation seems to be easier since it only requires a restart when hardware device has been changed, while Windows requires a restart on software installation. Linux supports multiple copies of the Kernel on the system such that if an error is encountered and the Kernel becomes corrupted, a different copy of the Kernel can be used to boot up the system.

A very important aspect of security is another basis of Linux and Windows comparison. Though it is possible to break into virtually any system if special considerations are not taken, Linux seems to be more prepared for protecting itself because of the beginning developments of Linux, UNIX, and FreeBSD which were aimed at top notch security, while Windows is often known for a large amount of loop holes. Linux allows does not create registry keys in a way Windows does allowing a user to browse installed components registry keys, which contain important information. Also, Linux is more virus proof since viruses – malicious programs either cannot be run automatically on the Linux machine, or simply are not capable of being executed on a 386 architecture.

The most important functionality of an operating system, it of course an operating system must be reliable - it must not crash, even under extreme loads. Second, availability services must be in place to let clients continue to have their processing requests satisfied, even when the operating system or hardware fails. Unfortunately for Windows, it seems to be less stable even though the latest versions of Windows XP are far more improved than the incredibly buggy Windows Vista.

So, what is better Linux or Windows? That questions can only be answered by an individual from his/her own view, depending on what the users needs to do with the operating system since Linux does not have any sufficient test benchmarks that can compare its performance with Windows. However, one thing is for sure, Linux technology use is currently on the rise. This can be seen by various Windows/Unix/Mac OS products ported to Linux over the years. Widening use of Java also contributes to this uprising. The use of the “.php” technology, which is a Linux type of active server page, has also increased. The only thing left, is to wait and see, whether Windows will be overcome by Linux, or not. I think it will.

Choosing Linux vs. Windows

On the Personal Computer show in December 2003 John C. Dvorak predicted a bright future for Linux. His main points being: it's free, the applications are getting more mainstream, Open Office is a "fabulous" product, the GUI is pretty much like Windows, it's high quality, bullet proof and resistant to the thousands of Windows viruses and worms. If he owned a company with thousands of PCs, he would put everyone on Linux.

To date the only organizations (that I've heard about) using hundreds or thousands of Linux based computers are government agencies in countries all over the world. They may be driven by cost and/or security concerns (practically speaking there are no Linux viruses). Some countries also may not like being beholden to a U.S. based company for so much of their software.

Is Microsoft finally about to face real competition in desktop-computer software? This article raises a point I agree with. The next version of Windows, the one that will replace XP (which is here today as Vista), is not going to be delivered for a long time opening up a window of opportunity for Linux. In addition, the upcoming version of Windows is likely to be expensive and require new hardware, two other areas where Linux competes well. It may also involve too many changes. By the time it's delivered, more and more Linux distributions will look more like Windows, just as Microsoft rolls out a new user interface. People accustomed to the current Windows UI may resist the change.

Read all articles at

- Tolga Tohumcu
Author, Technology Today

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Top 100 2007 Prog Rock albums


01 2007 4.16

(265 ratings) PORCUPINE TREE
Fear Of A Blank Planet/ Heavy Prog

02 2007 4.34

(32 ratings) OCEANSIZE
Frames Psychedelic/Space Rock

03 2007 4.22

(69 ratings) PHIDEAUX
Doomsday Afternoon/ Crossover Prog

04 2007 4.54

(15 ratings) SATELLITE
Into The Night/ Neo Progressive

05 2007 4.18

(57 ratings) ANEKDOTEN
A Time Of Day/ Heavy Prog

06 2007 4.16

(65 ratings) GAZPACHO
Night Crossover/ Prog

07 2007 4.23

Colors Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

08 2007 4.54

(13 ratings) PINEAPPLE THIEF
What We Have Sown Crossover Prog

09 2007 4.18

(51 ratings) AMARAN'S PLIGHT
Voice in the Light/ Progressive Metal

10 2007 4.28

Maahan RIO/Avant-Prog

11 2007 4.39

(16 ratings) MIND'S EYE
A Gentleman's Hurricane/ Progressive Metal

12 2007 4.15

(37 ratings) GALAHAD (GBR)
Empires Never Last /Neo Progressive

13 2007 4.28

(19 ratings) SIEGES EVEN
Paramount/ Progressive Metal

14 2007 4.16

(32 ratings) DEADSOUL TRIBE
A Lullaby For The Devil Experimental/Post Metal

15 2007 4.48

(10 ratings) MAR DE ROBLES
Indígena Jazz Rock/Fusion

16 2007 4.60

(8 ratings) ZORN, JOHN
Six Litanies For Heliogabalus RIO/Avant-Prog

17 2007 4.05

(53 ratings) TOWNSEND, DEVIN
Ziltoid the Omniscient Experimental/Post Metal

18 2007 4.67

(7 ratings) THREE
The End Is Begun/ Crossover Prog

19 2007 4.33

(13 ratings) QUIDAM
Alone Together/ Neo Progressive

20 2007 4.01

(73 ratings) MORSE, NEAL
Sola Scriptura/ Symphonic Prog

21 2007 4.00

(77 ratings) SYMPHONY X
Paradise Lost/ Progressive Metal

22 2007 4.17

(21 ratings) KNIGHT AREA
Under A New Sign/ Neo Progressive

23 2007 4.15

(20 ratings) FISH
Thirteenth Star/ Neo Progressive

24 2007 4.16

(18 ratings) NEMO
Si Partie II - L'Homme Idéal Eclectic/ Prog

25 2007 4.01

(37 ratings) GOURISHANKAR, THE
2nd Hands Eclectic/ Prog

26 2007 4.27

(11 ratings) NEW TROLLS
Concerto Grosso, The Seven Seasons Italian /Symphonic Prog

27 2007 4.12

(17 ratings) COHEED & CAMBRIA
Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV, Volume Two: No World for Tomorrow/ Prog Related

28 2007 4.58

(6 ratings) CATHEDRAL
The Bridge Symphonic/ Prog

29 2007 4.29

(10 ratings) CONQUEROR
74 Giorni Italian Symphonic/ Prog

30 2007 4.23

(11 ratings) DARKWATER
Calling the Earth to Witness/ Progressive Metal

31 2007 3.91

(76 ratings) BLACKFIELD
Blackfield II/ Prog Related

32 2007 4.30

(9 ratings) VIRGIN BLACK
Requiem - Mezzo Forte Experimental/Post Metal

33 2007 3.93

(45 ratings) FLOWER KINGS, THE
The Sum Of No Evil/ Symphonic Prog

34 2007 4.20

(11 ratings) RITUAL
The Hemulic Voluntary Band/ Prog Related

35 2007 4.50

(6 ratings) ANUBIS GATE
Andromeda Unchained/ Progressive Metal

36 2007 4.27

(9 ratings) MANNING, GUY
Songs From The Bilston House Eclectic/ Prog

37 2007 3.96

(31 ratings) ULVER
Shadows of the Sun Post Rock/Math rock

38 2007 4.32

The Machinations of Dimentia Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

39 2007 4.80

Volume 7 Psychedelic/Space Rock

40 2007 3.98

(26 ratings) REDEMPTION
The Origins of Ruin/ Progressive Metal

41 2007 3.95

In Glorious Times RIO/Avant-Prog

42 2007 4.29

(8 ratings) CANVAS SOLARIS
Cortical Tectonics Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

43 2007 3.98

(22 ratings) PLANET X
Quantum Jazz Rock/Fusion

44 2007 4.41

(6 ratings) DEAR HUNTER, THE
Act II: The Meaning Of, And All Things Regarding Ms. Leading/ Crossover Prog

45 2007 4.08

(12 ratings) BLACK BONZO
Sound of the Apocalypse/ Heavy Prog

46 2007 4.23

(8 ratings) GRAYCEON
Grayceon Experimental/Post Metal

47 2007 3.93

(23 ratings) NIGHTWISH
Dark Passion Play /Progressive Metal

48 2007 4.44

(5 ratings) ROSETTA
Wake/Lift Experimental/Post Metal

49 2007 4.08

(11 ratings) SENOGUL
Senogul Eclectic/ Prog

50 2007 3.91

(23 ratings) APPLE PIE
Crossroad /Neo Progressive

51 2007 4.17

(8 ratings) SUN CAGED
Artemisia/ Progressive Metal

52 2007 3.85

(38 ratings) MAGIC PIE
Circus Of Life/ Symphonic Prog

53 2007 3.86

(33 ratings) CIRCUS MAXIMUS
Isolate/ Progressive Metal

54 2007 4.17

(7 ratings) KEKAL
The Habit of Fire Experimental/Post Metal

55 2007 4.31

(5 ratings) NOTABENE
Sei Lacrime d'Ambra Italian/ Symphonic Prog

56 2007 4.07

(8 ratings) FLOR DE LOTO
Madre Tierra/ Prog Folk

57 2007 4.41

(4 ratings) KBB
Proof Of Concept Jazz Rock/Fusion

58 2007 3.87

(18 ratings) DOMINICI
03 A Trilogy Part 2/ Progressive Metal

59 2007 3.78

(37 ratings) THRESHOLD
Dead Reckoning/ Progressive Metal

60 2007 3.85

(18 ratings) RUDESS, JORDAN
The Road Home/ Crossover Prog

61 2007 4.08

Neo Italian Symphonic Prog

62 2007 5.00

(2 ratings) PSYOPUS
Our Puzzling Encounters Considered Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

63 2007 5.00

(2 ratings) WINDS
Prominence and Demise Experimental/Post Metal

64 2007 3.89

Symetria Psychedelic/Space Rock

65 2007 3.95

(10 ratings) GLASS HAMMER
Culture Of Ascent/ Symphonic Prog

66 2007 3.84

(16 ratings) THERION
Gothic Kabbalah/ Progressive Metal

67 2007 4.00

Ire Works Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

68 2007 4.03

(7 ratings) OUTER LIMITS
Stromatolite/ Symphonic Prog

69 2007 4.13

(5 ratings) WYATT, ROBERT
Comicopera Canterbury Scene

70 2007 3.80

(17 ratings) NEUROSIS
Given to the Rising Experimental/Post Metal

71 2007 4.09

(5 ratings) PAX CECILIA, THE
Blessed Are The Bonds Experimental/Post Metal

72 2007 3.79

(16 ratings) BATTLES
Mirrored Post Rock/Math rock

73 2007 3.69

(60 ratings) RADIOHEAD
In Rainbows/ Crossover Prog

74 2007 3.82

(12 ratings) MYSTERY
Beneath the Veil of Winter’s Face Crossover Prog

75 2007 3.73

(22 ratings) WATCH, THE
Primitive/ Neo Progressive

76 2007 3.67

(70 ratings) RIVERSIDE
Rapid Eye Movement /Progressive Metal

77 2007 4.00

(5 ratings) DO MAKE SAY THINK
You, You're A History In Rust Post Rock/Math rock

78 2007 3.71

(21 ratings) KAMELOT
Ghost Opera/ Progressive Metal

79 2007 3.78

(12 ratings) NEXUS
Buenos Aires Free Experience Volumen 2/ Symphonic Prog

80 2007 4.08

(4 ratings) LITTLE ATLAS
Hollow Symphonic Prog

81 2007 4.07

(4 ratings) MINSK
The Ritual Fires of Abandonment Experimental/Post Metal

82 2007 4.50

The Physics of Fire Tech/Extreme Prog Metal

83 2007 4.20

(3 ratings) PARALLAXE
Soundtrack/ Progressive Metal

84 2007 3.63

(95 ratings) RUSH
Snakes & Arrows/ Heavy Prog

85 2007 3.96

(5 ratings) SHINING
Grindstone RIO/Avant-Prog

86 2007 3.62

(221 ratings) DREAM THEATER
Systematic Chaos/ Progressive Metal

87 2007 3.88

(6 ratings) SCHULZE, KLAUS
Kontinuum/ Progressive Electronic

88 2007 4.14

(3 ratings) AZURETH
The Promethean Syndrome/ Crossover Prog

89 2007 4.00

(4 ratings) AMAROK
Sol De Medianoche/ Prog Folk

90 2007 3.74

(11 ratings) BEARDFISH
Sleeping In Traffic: Part One /Eclectic Prog

91 2007 3.78

(8 ratings) AVIVA
Rokus Tonalis/ Symphonic Prog

92 2007 3.76

(9 ratings) MORNINGSIDE, THE
The Wind, The Trees and The Shadows of The Past Experimental/Post Metal

93 2007 3.80

(7 ratings) MAGNUM
Princess Alice And The Broken Arrow/ Prog Related

94 2007 5.00

Hurtbreak Wonderland Post Rock/Math rock

95 2007 5.00

(1 ratings) TIME OF ORCHIDS
Namesake Caution RIO/Avant-Prog

96 2007 5.00

(1 ratings) BARONESS
Red Album Experimental/Post Metal

97 2007 5.00

(1 ratings) ARGENTO, ALEX
EGO/ Progressive Metal

98 2007 5.00

(1 ratings) YAKUZA
Transmutations Experimental/Post Metal

99 2007 5.00

(1 ratings) WISHBONE ASH
Power of Eternity/ Prog Related

100 2007 5.00

Caterwauling/ Eclectic Prog

Friday, December 14, 2007

N.Y.S.E. Places Buy on Linux, Hold on Unix

New York Times
December 14, 2007

N.Y.S.E. Places Buy on Linux, Hold on Unix

The New York Stock Exchange is investing heavily in x86-based Linux systems and blade servers as it builds out the NYSE Hybrid Market trading system that it launched last year. Flexibility and lower cost are among the goals. But one of the things that NYSE Euronext CIO Steve Rubinow says he most wants from the new computing architecture is technology independence.

"What we want is to be able to take advantage of technology advances when they happen," Rubinow said. "We're trying to be as independent of any technologies as we can be."

The Hybrid Market system lets NYSE traders buy and sell stocks electronically or on the exchange's trading floor. The NYSE has been turning to x86 technology to power the trading system, largely using servers from Hewlett-Packard Co., the two companies announced this week.

The NYSE has installed about 200 of HP's ProLiant DL585 four-processor servers and 400 of its ProLiant BL685c blades, all running Linux and based on dual-core Opteron processors from Advanced Micro Devices Inc. In addition, the stock exchange is using HP's Integrity NonStop servers, which are based on Intel Corp.'s Itanium processors and run the fault-tolerant NonStop OS operating system, as well as its OpenView management software.

Rubinow said that Linux is mature enough to meet his needs. The open-source operating system may not have all the polish of Unix technologies with 20-plus years of history behind them, "but it's polished enough for us," he said.

The NYSE's shift toward Linux and x86-based hardware illustrates why consulting firm Gartner Inc. is predicting a slight decline in Unix server revenues over the next five years. In comparison, Gartner forecasts strong sales growth for both Windows and Linux servers.

Although Rubinow has the option of using HP-UX, HP's version of Unix, he said that he'd prefer not to. "We don't want to be closely aligned with proprietary Unix," he said. "No offense to HP-UX, but we feel the same way about [IBM's] AIX, and we feel the same way to some extent about Solaris."

The NYSE still runs numerous Unix systems, especially ones with Solaris, which is Sun Microsystems Inc.'s Unix derivative. Rubinow acknowledged that Solaris has the ability to run on multiple hardware platforms, including x86-based systems from Sun server rivals such as HP. But he added that he thinks Linux "affords us a lot of flexibility."

One technology that the NYSE isn't adopting so eagerly is server virtualization, which comes with a system latency price that Rubinow said he can't afford to pay. In a system that is processing hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, virtualization produces "a noticeable overhead" that can slow down throughput, according to Rubinow. "Virtualization is not a free technology from a latency perspective, so we don't use it in the core of what we do," he said.

Charles King, an analyst at Pund-IT Inc. in Hayward, Calif., believes there is a broader concern among IT managers about virtualization overhead and its impact on transaction processing. "It's one of the reasons why even the staunchest advocates of x86 virtualization recommend extensive testing prior to moving systems into production," King said.

Copyright 2007 IDG News Service. All Rights Reserved.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

Led Zeppelin reunion: the review

You might think it couldn't possibly live up to expectation but, it transpires, the opposite is in fact true of Led Zeppelin's first public appearance in 19 years.

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They seem buoyed by the deafening roars that greet their every twitch tonight - everyone present in the O2 Arena is willing their performance to the realms of greatness. It's almost impossible to be subjective, to not be sucked in.

It takes plant three songs before he offers a cursory "good evening". By the time they've blasted through an incendiary 'Good Times Bad Times', a dramatic 'Ramble On' and the stop start rhythms of Black Dog'. He needn't say anything.

Next They launch into 'Nobody's Fault But Mine' and Zep are smiling at each other, only occupying about six foot of the enormous stage. You wouldn't believe this is a band who haven't played together for so long.

They do No Quarter' and they're locked in as tight as if it were the 1970s. Only the close ups on the screen at the back give away their advanced years.

Launchomh into a version of 'Dazed And Confused' that seems to last forever but every last second is enthralling.

Jimmy Page is lit up by lasers and at the song's climax Robert Plant yells out "Jimmy Page on electric guitar!" in a moment the resonates right back to their first heyday.

'Stairway To Heaven' follows. Ridiculous in many ways yet it is a song that everyone present thought was fated to only be performed by dodgy pub covers bands and not again by its creators.

Jimmy has the double headed guitar, bassist John Paul Jones is sat at a keyboard and Plant - contrary to the pre-gig rumours is singing beautifully.

Playing this well known classic proves a shrewd move as it gently reminds everyone present just which, giant-sized rock band they're dealing with.

The final half an hour is comprised of songs so omnipresent it's hard to make any sort of tangible judgement.

'Kashmir' finishes the main set sounding incredible the band take a bow and they're gone.

Rapturous applause follows as you might expect but its nothing compared to the sheer mania that greets the first encore song 'Whole Lotta Love'. Not many bands have one of those, you see.

The middle section veers into space rock territory any young band would be proud of and when that riff returns its well you know how it goes.

Then Led Zep blast through a second encoure of 'Rock And Roll' - paying tribute to their old mentor and the reason this concert is taking place, Ahmet Ertegun, on the way - and, well again... you know how it goes.

If there were sceptics here tonight - there weren't but just for the sake of argument consider it - Led Zeppelin silenced them and banished any rotten memories of their shambolic Live Aid reunion.

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More importantly though, what they have done here tonight is prove they can still perform to the level that originally earned them their legendary reputation.

We can only hope this isn't the last we see of them.
Hamish MacBain, NME Live Editor

Led Zeppelin played:

'Good Times Bad Times'
'Ramble On'
'Black Dog'
'In My Time Of Dying'
'For Your Life'
'Trampled Under Foot'
'Nobody's Fault But Mine'
'No Quarter'
'Since I've Been Loving You'
'Dazed And Confused'
'Stairway To Heaven'
'The Song Remains The Same'
'Misty Mountain Hop'
'Whole Lotta Love'
'Rock And Roll'

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Led Zeppelin reunion: live setlist

Led Zeppelin have taken to the stage at the O2 Arena in London tonight (December 10) - and NME.COM will be bringing you the action as it happens.

Currently we're experiencing one of technical issues with our live blog, but we don't intend to let that stop us, so we're going to post up the set and the comments from our journalist in the hall in this news story while we get things fixed.

So while it is a bit basic, if you just refresh this news story every few minutes you'll have the action from the Ahmet Ertegun tribute show.

So far Led Zeppelin have played:

'Good Times Bad Times'
"The set started with a clip from 'The Song Remains The Same' DVD with an American news clip telling of they broke The Beatles' attendance record for a gig in 1973 in California. Simple stage set, video screen behind the band."

'Ramble On'
"'Ramble On' done in extremely slow, bluesy manner, with shards of electric guitar from Jimmy Page."

'Black Dog'
"Page wearing dark shades, quite muddy sound. Crowd singing the 'ah-ah' bits back at Plant."

'In My Time Of Dying'
"Page is playing bottleneck guitar. Plant spoke for the first time before song, saying 'Good evening'."

'For Your Life'
"That's not something you get to hear often these days, Led Zeppelin giving a song its live debut."

'Trampled Under Foot'
"Before starting Plant told the crowd it was the band's attempt to sound like Robert Johnson's 'Terraplane Blues'."

'Nobody's Fault But Mine'
"There are huge screen's dominating the O2 Arena, they split into four sometimes, goes monochrome, colour etc...quite spectacular."

'No Quarter'
"Following the song Plant paid tribute to John Paul Jones, who played keyboards and bass on the track."

'Since I've Been Loving You'
"A bit of a style guide for you, all the band are dressed in black bar Page who is rocking a white shirt. As for the song they gone for the epic version....very bluesy."

'Dazed And Confused'
"Settle yourselves in, we're expecting a ten minute version of this classic... it was. At the end of it of the song Plant told the audience 'On guitar Jimmy Page, just as he did on 'The Song Remains The Same' DVD which was filmed in Madison Square Garden in the 70s."

'Stairway To Heaven'
"What do you think happened? Right! From the moment those opening notes rang out the whole audience went absolutely crazy. The atmosphere is electric. Afterwards Plant said "Ahmet, we did it!"

'The Song Remains The Same'
"A fairly straight version of the classic. The sound is still a bit muddy and quiet though."

'Misty Mountain Hop'
"Plant kicked this one off by praising the job drummer Jason Bonham has been doing, stepping into his late father's shoes tonight."

"Yet another epic, as this song cracks the ten minute mark. Plant introduced this one declaring 'We've got people from 50 countries here and this is the 51st'. Afterwards they left the stage to loud applause. Will they do an encore? What do you reckon..."

'Whole Lotta Love'
"... of course they come back to deafening applause. And it's an extended version of the old 'Top Of The Pops' theme. Then once more the band leave the stage with a visibly emotional Plant declaring:
'Thanks to everybody. Thanks Ahmet Ertegun, this one for is Ahmet Ertegun as we remember the days when Atlantic Records was the best label on the planet!'."

'Rock And Roll'
"Just time for one more, as after two hours the night reaches its climax, and what a stomper to go out on. And after the hype, the millions of people who entered the ticket ballot and the speculation, Led Zeppelin's reunion show is over. A one off? We dearly hope not."

We have the world's first Led Zeppelin reunion review, filed from the venue just after the band left the stage. And a massive Led Zeppelin reunion photo gallery from the night

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