Thursday, June 15, 2006

Film - The Break-Up


I really enjoyed this film, even though it was at times painful to watch. Painful not because it was awful - it wasn't to me - but it was realistic at times. It's not a comedy, save for perhaps a black one.

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Vince Vaughn's character is the dominant, strong personality, fun-guy-to-hang-around with, type of person. He's oblivious to his failings and sees himself as working hard so that his GF won't have to work at all someday, totally clueless to the fact that she wants to have a career. He's a bit of a caricature, to be honest. We all know people like like this. When you are making plans to get together, you always end up doing what they want to do. They actually tell you what films they don't want to see, without caring what you want to see. You're too nice to protest that they never do what you want to do or even ask what you want to do.

Jennifer Aniston's character is worn out from having to bring a lot to the relationship only to feel neglected and taken for granted time and time again. She wants him to help with the dishes without having to ask him. He's very self-centred and she believes that breaking up with him will actually jolt him into changing his ways. What's that old, saying, "Women expect men to change, but they stay the same. Men expect women to stay the same but they change"?

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When they fight, it's tough to watch but easy to relate to. Neither one wants to move out of their co-owned condo, so they try to make the other person really uncomfortable. Both sides want to get back together but someone is going to have to change.

The ending wasn't pure Hollywood and it didn't seem far fetched. I thought the acting was actually well done. Overall, this film felt more bitter than sweet, and should be avoided by anyone wanting to see a cliched romantic comedy. This is also a good reason why it has done poorly at the box office.

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