Soundtrack - Wedding Crashers
Wedding Crashers
New Line Records
released: July 12, 2005
Billed as "Music From and Inspired by the Film", this soundtrack features mostly indie pop music from some bands who are not really house-hold names among the masses. The Wedding Crashers soundtrack also falls short of being an essential album, with too many weak tracks. You almost get the feeling that they decided to pick certain bands for their names rather than for their music.
Rip off alert! What's even worse is that most of the songs here were not used in the movie. If you were expecting the CD to have The Faces "Stay With Me," "Sweetheart" by Jont Wittington, "Sparks" by Coldplay, and "Blue Rondo A La Turk" by Dave Brubeck, you'll be out of luck.
Death Cab for Cutie, Spoon and Jimmy Eat World offer lacklustre songs.
The album's best material includes "Aside" from Winnipeg's Weakerthans, one of the most celebrated indie rock bands around who have yet to make it big (by that, I mean to headline arenas.) No doubt, some of their fans will cry "sell out" but it's in thier interest to maximize their exposure. Guster's "Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today" is a decent ballad, as is the innocence sounding pop of "This Modern Love" by Bloc Party. Rilo Kiley are getting better known with each release and while not a pure pop song, the country tinged "More Adventurous" is quality singer-songwriter flavoured. While it's not indicative of what they sound like, it's refreshing. The 70's classic "In The Summertime" by Mungo Jerry is always a welcome treat for me since I don't listen to AM pop radio. A lot of people despise this song, but I like it as it reminds me of one of my friends.
Stephen Carroll of the Weakerthans
Probably the most celebrated new track on the CD is the rare "Mr. Ambulance Driver" by indie darlings The Flaming Lips. It's just dull soft rock track, best left unreleased, to be honest!
Rilo Kiley's vocalist Jenny Lewis
As a bonus, you get a video of the the Isley Brothers' "Shout!", as well as the song in the form of the "Matter Music Remix." Finally, this underwhelming album is completed by Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson and the Klezmer Juice Band performing that seminal favorite, "Hava Nagilah," taken from the movie.
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